God is on the move at Life Church! He is building His Church and we get to be a part of His great plans. To join in on this great move of God, we invite you to become a Kingdom Builder. What is a Kingdom Builder? Simply put, it is the person who says I will join in building the church alongside Jesus Christ with my time, gifts and finances.
Can you imagine the potential of God’s people when we come together in faith to BUILD His church? Nothing can stop the mighty force of God’s people, fully surrendered to Him and His will. Thank you for prayerfully considering going above and beyond and giving toward the KINGDOM BUILDER campaign.
Build kids and youth infrastructure ($50k)
Further renovate kids church and resource new youth ministry.
Roof repairs and replacements ($100k)
Replace aging roof tops and repair damaged areas.
Parking lot resurface ($100k)
Seal and stripe parking lots.
Online church and multi-media improvements ($250k)
Make online and in-person Sunday gatherings state of the art.
Debt Reduction ($500k)
Aggressively pay down mortgage debt.
What an amazing time to be a part of what God is doing here at Life Church.
As I think about the 85-year legacy of this church, combined with the move of God we are currently experiencing, I can’t help but be adventurously expectant for what the future holds.
As a church, we have been praying for an outpouring of God’s Spirit and divine opportunity to reach the communities around us with the Good News of Jesus Christ. As we look around us and see thousands of homes being built around the church, new families coming to the church and school regularly, and God’s favor in our local neighborhoods, it is clear that it is time to build The Kingdom alongside Jesus Christ.
It is Jesus after all, who included us first in the building of his Church. In Matthew 16:18, Jesus makes it clear that he will use his followers, beginning with Peter, as the co-builders in this revolutionary idea called The Church. In Ephesians 2:20, the Message translation says: God is building a home. He is using us all – in what he is building.
Sarah and I want to invite you to become a Kingdom Builder alongside us at Life Church. God is building something incredible, and it will take all of us to see it come to pass. As we step into this next season of blessing, there are key ministries to advance and crucial parts of our building to renovate to more e ectively reach those who God brings to the church.
We want to thank you in advance for praying with us, serving with us and giving with us. Your investment as a Kingdom Builder will be used for the glory of God and the transformation of lives.
Love God. Serve People. Give Life.
Pastors Matt and Sarah Blankenship
How you can help:
By praying for God’s favor and blessing on these projects
By giving generously as a Kingdom Builder
By getting involved on a Serve Team