Thank You For Your Generosity!
Invest in Eternity
The Bible teaches that giving is both a practical and supernatural way to bless others while also opening the door of blessing in our own lives. When you give to Life Church, you are funding ministry that blesses the church, surrounding community, and the whole world. You can give in tithes and offerings, missions giving, and to our Kingdom Builder capital campaign.
Giving Online is simple and easy. You can give a one-time gift or set up a schedule that works for you. Your gift is safe and secure and it's our vow to use your cheerful giving to further the Kingdom of God. We invite you to give in any way you feel comfortable.
A Story of Generosity
Become a Kingdom Builder
God is on the move at Life Church! He is building His Church and we get to be a part of His great plans. To join in on this great move of God, we invite you to become a Kingdom Builder. What is a Kingdom Builder? Simply put, it is the person who says I will join in building the church alongside Jesus Christ with my time, gifts, and finances.